Monday, January 5, 2009

Differences between Greece and Georgia

Mom and Wes went down to Greece with us for Christmas. Greece is only about 3 hours from Skopje, Macedonia. With our train ride it took about 6 hours because there were multiple stops. Greece was an amazing trip that we will never forget! We visited Thessaloniki, Kavala (ancient port of Neapolis from Acts 20), and Philippi, which are all Biblical cities where Paul walked. It's interesting to see Biblical sites so close to modern architecture. I want to share some of the things I observed while in Greece. Just for fun I am going to compare Greece with my home state of Georgia, U.S.A. These are just a few of my initial observations.

Here are ways Greece and Georgia are similar:
They both are very modern with advanced public transportation.
They both have port cities.
Greece has restaurants like T.G.I. Fridays, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and most importantly...Starbucks Coffee!
Food is very delicious in both places!

Here are ways Greece and Georgia are different:
In Greece toilet paper is not allowed to be flushed. It must be put in the trashcan.
Greece has amazing sites from Biblical times.
Greece has better desserts (except for my Nana Mattox's desserts).
A lot more people smoke cigarettes in Greece .
In order to get electricity in your hotel room you must put your room key card into a slot inside your room.
Women enjoy pinching cheeks of children more so than in Georgia.
Food is delicious in both places, but different. I'll have to warn you that if you see a delicious looking strawberry congealed salad, may actually be fish sauce! Don't take a big bite of it like I did! Oh and shrimp will come with the heads on.

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