Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yes or No?

from Eric

The Lord has taught us a great deal about communication during our time in the Balkans. One thing that I have noticed in Bulgaria is the similar (and sometimes same) words used in both Bulgarian and Macedonian, yet the difference in head motions. The motion from side-to-side actually is "yes," while the up-and-down motion means "no." This has led us to follow up many times with the "Do you mean .... ?" question. There is a third, circular head motion, which expresses a "maybe" or uncertain "yes/no," which has usually meant we need to ask someone else. Despite our limits, God has given us the information we need. No matter what the head motion, the eye roll seems to remain universal. Ha, ha!


Sheila said...

Yes, you mean no. No, you mean yes. Wow, that might be hard for me. Sounds like you are doing really well. Love you!

gary & kimber said...

Oh, no!!